Hello, friends, and welcome to my little slice of the web! Writing my first post has been nerve-wracking! Will I say the right thing? Will I grab your attention? Will I be able to properly convey the sheer amazingness that this blog is going to be?? The perfectionist in me has been agonizing over what to write in this first post. But you know what? There’s nothing to it but to do it! It’s not going to be perfect right off the bat, but that is ok! I will learn as I go and continue to improve this space.

This blog is going to be a place where I share things that I love. Things that are beautiful, unique, and/or interesting that I think you will also enjoy knowing about. I’ll talk about things that are buzzing in the design world. I’ll review scented items such as perfumes, candles, and beauty products. I’ll show you the things that catch my eye as special. I’ll share insights on styling everything from a cute outfit to the top of your dresser.

I hope to create a fun space where we can all get away from the everyday stresses and just enjoy pretty things. Oh and fair warning: there will be cats. Plenty of cats. They make pretty models and they’re free labor! =^. .^=

I’m so glad you’re here! Grab a mug of your favorite warm beverage, pull up a chair and let’s explore pretty things together!
Love love love your style lady, can’t wait to see more and learn! 💕
Aw shucks! Thank you! So happy to see you here! 💖
Dang this is rad and I love it! Go you! 💕
Thank you so much! So happy to see you here! 💖
I’m looking forward to learning some style from you!
Awww, thanks! We’re going to have a lot of fun here!
Bougie Poodle Bedroom Swag! All.the.pretty.things!! ❤️
Bougie Poodle lifestyle forever!! ✨
*Chewbacca deep throat growl
You know I love your style 🥰
Hooray! Comments work! Hahaha! I feel like a proud parent. Thank you for being here! <3